Genre flash

Genre FlashA couple of weeks ago, I received an email from fellow (sic.) author and Sister in Crime Lindy Cameron with an offer too good to refuse:

“Prompted by a passing reference in the write-up on the Davitt Awards on Angela Savage’s website about expecting no more ‘mileage’ from her wonderful novel Behind the Night Bazaar I thought bugger that – we all need as much mileage as we can get. My latest book Redback certainly hasn’t had enough light shone on it yet; so, as it seems to be still relatively difficult for most of us to get decent review space in the newspapers, I thought I would give us our own space.

“So I am proposing a small, simple but elegant pdf catalogue of any genre fiction or related SinC books, that have been published by Sisters in Crime members – or their Australian women writer friends – in the past 2 years.”

The result of Lindy’s bright idea is Genre Flash 1, a fabulous Summer holiday reading guide. These are books to keep you riveted but relaxed and give you a thrill whatever your taste in crime fiction. Some will make you laugh. Others will make you shiver with macabre fascination.

And while I know all my friends bought my book for themselves and all their friends last Christmas, I do encourage you to support the impressive local talent showcased by Lindy in Genre Flash this holiday season. You’ll be glad you did.

Happy festive season all!

About Angela Savage

Angela Savage is a Melbourne writer, who has lived and travelled extensively in Asia. She won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript, and the Scarlet Stiletto Award short story award. Her latest novel is, Mother of Pearl, published by Transit Lounge. Angela holds a PhD in Creative Writing, is former CEO of Writers Victoria, and currently works as CEO of Public Libraries Victoria.
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3 Responses to Genre flash

  1. Karen C says:

    Angela – thanks for the notice of Genre Flash – it had slipped by me over the festive season. What a great idea of Lindy’s – I’ll add a link to it from our site with great pleasure!

    Regards Karen C


  2. Thanks Karen. I’m directing people to the link so they can discover the delights of your AustCrimeFiction website

    Also thanks to Damien at Crime Down Under for his plug


  3. Karen C says:

    Thanks Angela – and if you’re talking to Lindy again you can tell her for one – I loved Redback (as I did your Behind the Night Bazaar incidentally 🙂 )

    Regards Karen C


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